Friday, December 4, 2015

Nonfiction Blog 11-30-15

The Nonfiction that I am reading right now is Bruce Lee Fighting Spirit by Bruce Thomas. As anyone can tell by the title, the book is a biography on Bruce Lee. It tells us everything that had happened in his life, from his birth all the way to his sudden demise. Bruce Lee was born on November 27, 1940 to Grace Ho and Lee Hoi-chuen. His mother had given him a girls name to confuse the spirits. She named him Sai Fon which means Small Phoenix. She had wanted to confuse the spirits because her second child is supposed to be a girl, but instead of a girl, Bruce was born. While growing up he had gain fame when he was a child actor. He had many different kinds of roles in the movies. It was said that even though that he liked to learn he didn't like school. Growing up he would get in trouble a lot, he even formed his own gang in college. The gang was formed because of their hatred of the British. His gang and a British gang would get into fight's a lot, and most of the fights would either end with the police coming or all of the members of a gang would not be able to fight anymore. His mother would protect him from his father by not telling him that Bruce had gotten into a fight. Although when he had an injury that was visible, she could not hide the fact that he had gotten into a fight. He eventually got expelled from college and kept looking for one unti he had found one. Eventually he formed an actual street gang. Later he then started training in Kung-Fu with a now deceased master. 
The short passage that I find interesting is "...his brother Peter recalls that Bruce already had ambitions to become a doctor. At home Bruce spent many hours reading in bed. But while he was very interested in learning, Bruce was not much interested in schooling." This made it interesting for me because I have never heard of a person that likes to learn but he does not like school. Plus he wanted to become a doctor and to be a doctor you have to go to school, and if he doesn't want to go to school then he can't become a doctor. Another reason that I found that short passage interesting is because he wanted to become a doctor. He was a famous martial artist, but he wanted to become a doctor. Both those things are very different, so I am wondering why did he want to become a doctor and end up becoming a famous martial artist.
 One thing that I learned is when he was born his mother gave him a girls name, she had named him Sai Fon which means Small Phoenix. Another thing that I learned and I am most likely not to forget is that while he was growing up he wanted to become a doctor, and he ended up becoming a famous martial artist and movie star. I am never going to end up forgetting that while he was at school he ended up forming a gang, who knew that someone as famous as him would be so much trouble when he was growing up. So those are the things that I have learned and I will not most likely to forget in the near future.
  Commented on: Amelia's Blog , Marcos' Blog  , Anthony B.'s Blog

Friday, November 13, 2015

Blog for Week 11/13/15 Theme - The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan

The book that I have just finished is The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan. The book is about Percy Jackson. He seems like a normal kid but he is actually is a Demigod. Percy is even the son of one of the Big Three. His father is Poseidon, the god of the sea. In a prophecy told long ago that the child of the oldest male god shall reach 16 and lead Camp Half-Blood in war against the Titan King Kronos. The heroes won't get any help from the gods because the are fighting an old enemy. They are fighting Typhon. 

In The Last Olympian there are many themes. Like coming of age, heroes, justice, loyalty, survival, and war. But one of the main themes in The Last Olympian is war. I think that one of the main theme is war, because in the middle of the book a war between the demigods and the titans begins. Another reason why I think that one of the main themes is war, is because when Percy was leaving is mom's house and she asked where he was going he had said "“I go to war. . . .  Me against Kronos. And only one of us will survive.”

 Another theme could be manipulation. It could be manipulation because Kronos had manipulated the son of Hermes, Luke Castellan to be his host. Kronos could not have been able to come back without a host, so he saw an opportunity in trying to trick Luke into being his host because all of the things that has happened in his past. Luke had started to hate his father because he was never there for him so Kronos was able to trick Luke into betraying Camp Half-Blood.

Commented on: Amilee's BlogAmelia's Blog,  Marcos' Blog  

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

1 Quarter Reflection

     For me 1st quarter has been good and bad. 1st quarter has been bad in few ways and good in a bunch of ways.  A reason that it was bad is because I got my first detention. Another reason why the quarter was bad is because they now made all the classes 88 minutes long, when they used to be like an 1 hour long.  A reason why the quarter has been good for me is because in most of my classes is because I have gotten 3 or 4's in most of my classes. One of the classes that I have gotten a 3 or a 4 is math, which is good because last year I was having trouble with Math last year and now math is pretty easy for me.


Monday, November 2, 2015

Top 10 Books Blog

1. The Last Olympian by: Rick Riordan

 This book is my all-time favorite because for some reason the last book in the series is always the best and I like Greek Mythology. This book follows the main character Percy Jackson as has he turns 16 because when he turns 16 there will be a final battle between the demigods/gods and the titans. The book has action, adventure and much more. The author is also really descriptive that it just makes me want to read more and more of his books,

2. The Blood of Olympus by: Rick Riordan

Like the Percy Jackson Series, the Heroes of Olympus series is also about Greek Mythology and it even has Percy Jackson in it. Like I said before I think that the final book in the series is always the best. This time around Percy Jackson and company have to face off against the evil Earth Goddess Gaea.

3. Sorcerers Stone by: J.K. Rowling 

This is the book that got me reading, the whole Harry Potter book. The author did such a good job describing this book, that it made want to read more and more of the books. In this book Harry's adventure starts, at the beginning knew nothing about the Wizard World, because he had to live with his Aunt and Uncle who are non-magic people also known as muggles, because his parents were killed.

4. Goblet of Fire by: J.K. Rowling

Harry's adventure continues in the Goblet of Fire, as he is entered in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. When I first started reading this book, all I wanted to know is what will happen next, or will Harry win the Tournament.  This book was awesome but, one of my favorite characters ends being killed at the end.   

 6. The Cat in the Hat by: Dr. Seuss

This book inspired me to read because before reading this book, I never wanted to read.

 7. Berlin Boxing Club by: Robert Sharenow

I like this book because it is about a boy who was being bullied because he was jewish, but he overcame it and started boxing. 

 8. How the Grinch Stole Christmas by: Dr. Seuss

I like this book because it gives the message that everybody has good in themselves, and they can change. 

 9. The Lorax by: Dr Seuss

I like this book because it shows you that you have to take care of the environment, and it also shows what will happen if you don't.

10. Prisoner of Azkaban by: J.K. Rowling

  This book was great because the author did such a good job describing, that I thought that a character that was good was actually bad at first. The book follows Harry, as a murderer escaped Azakaban, who was imprisoned for telling Voldemort where Harry’s parents were hiding and for also killings his best friend.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Narrative Twist

The Death of A King

New Ending,

    The King was absolutely furious, he had just found out that his daughter is having a love affair with a commoner. “Why did she have to pick that commoner to love,” yelled the king as he threw his crown across the room. “No matter. This will all be over in the arena when he opens the door with the tiger in it,” said the king as he laughed maniacally. When the king went to pick up his crown he heard crying, coming from his daughter's room, “Why must that girl cry over something as idiotic as that boy.” said the king as he sighed.

    The next day the king made an announcement to the kingdom ,“Exactly a week from now this young man will enter the arena for the crime for having a love affair with my daughter.This young man is him.” Yelled the king as he pointed to the young man, who has been  having a love affair with his daughter. “So young man, be prepared to get married or killed.” said the king as he laughed manically again. The semi-barbaric king then walked back in the castle, and as he passed his daughter’s room he heard sobbing. He then opened the door to his daughter’s room, and and saw her crawled up in a ball crying into her knees. When she heard the door open her red and puffy eyes darted to her father. “Daughter, why must you cry over that boy?” asked the king, his daughter just looked back down to her knees and once again started crying. The king just sighed and was walking out, then he gave a final look at his sobbing daughter, and then finally left the room.

*1 Week Later*
    The day before the trial was the worst because the only thing his daughter would do is cry and cry all day, just because some boy was about to be killed the amphitheater by getting mauled by the tiger. She should be happy that she is going to witness one of the best shows in history, thought the king. While the hours passed his daughter’s crying only became worse, the king couldn’t think with a the crying going on. “Daughter can you stop crying over that boy and just go to sleep, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow!” yelled the king as he closed his eyes, trying to sleep. Yelling at his daughter did nothing because the crying only became louder. “It won’t matter anyways because her crying will only get will only get worse after tomorrow when that lover of hers is killed by the tiger!” said the king as he silently laughed manically. As he closed his eyes he thought what would happen if the lover was killed who would be the next king, because he knew that his daughter won’t be a good ruler since she is to nice but a man could be a good king since he would be ruthless and would continue the tradition of putting people in the amphitheater. The king then shook his head because he also knew that the lover would never make a good king because he was only a mere commoner. The king then fell asleep debating on whether or not to save him or let him die

    The next day it was finally time to go to the amphitheater for the trial of the lover. As people entered the amphitheater the king and his heartbroken daughter sat in their seats to watch the show. As they waited for the trial to begin the king once again began to debate whether or not to save him or stop the trial. The king then pushed it to the back of his mind and waited for the trial to begin. He then once again started debating on whether or not save him or let him die. No matter how many times he tried thinking about something else his mind always came back to the subject of saving him or letting him die. His daughter then noticed that he was troubled and asked him “Are you okay father you seem troubled?” “Yes I’m fine, now stop asking me questions and wait for the trial to begin!” answered the king meanley.
Then at last it was time for the trial, and as he was approaching the door the king’s mind once again came back to the subject of saving or letting the lover die. As the lover walked to a door and put his hand on the of a door the crowd the held their breaths, as the lover started opening a door nobody said a word or even moved a muscle, they were all staring at the lover opening the door. When the tiger came bursting out of the room the lover just stood there frozen in fear. Then something happened that no one was expecting, the king had ran into the center and pushed the lover out of the way.  “Father! No!” Yelled his daughter as the tiger jumped on top of him and mauled him. The Last thing the king heard was his daughter sobbing and the crowd gasping in surprise.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Blog for Week 10-14-16- Kill Order

The Kill Order 
by: James Dashner
Prompt: Describe a character that you would like to meet (which doesn’t mean that you
think you would like the character, but that you think the character would be
interesting). List 4 questions that you would ask.
Pages: 1-65

If I got to meet any character it would be Alec because he is a former U.S. Military pilot. I would first ask him how was his experience in battle? I would ask him this question because I am just so curious on how people fighting in wars feel during battles. Another question I would ask him is at any time did he feel scared. This is an obvious question to ask because most people that fight in wars could be scared because anything could happen in war like they can get killed, they can lose or get wounded and never be the same again. 

Third question I would ask Alec is how he dealt with post-traumatic stress? This would be a great question to ask him since most, if not all soldiers deal with this after coming home after all. Some even go crazy, but since Alec didn't go crazy I wonder how he dealt with it. Post-traumatic stress is a big thing when you go to war because you are seeing a lot of people get wounded or die. Plus you can get really paranoid that you are going to be attacked and end up going crazy trying to protect yourself from something that probably won't even happen.  

The final question I would ask him is how he had survived the sun flares?  I wonder this because most of the earth's population died because of the flares. Where he hide also goes with the question because a lot of places would end would end up burning, and he could or would probably end up being dead.